Migrating Rake to Thor

I spent a bit of time setting up a Rake build-tool for Jekyll. It quickly morphed into something more than Rake was designed for and this quickly became apparent when I tried create new posts. The syntax was really clunky when rake was taking arguments. For example:

rake new_draft['Post title']

The square bracket syntax is annoying and the post title must be free of commas and other reserved characters. But its one of those things that has been a bit annoying but not worth rewriting the whole thing to fix. I have recently started blogging a bit more and every time those little things nag at me so I looked into it a bit. I found this gem of a blogpost from @scdavis41 and unfortunately the options look bleak. Right at the end though Sean recommends looking at Thor and so I did. It looks perfect! You can just inherit from Thor and the public methods in the class become commands. Arguments look like they get passed in as expected:

require "thor"
class MyCLI < Thor
  desc "hello NAME", "say hello to NAME"
  def hello(name)
    puts "Hello #{name}"


Example code is from here

Only issue with this is that now you actually have to use Ruby to run the scrip like so:

ruby ./cli hello Sebastian

Not the end of the world but those extra characters count! Shouldn’t be hard to wrap in an executable bash script which just does the translation for me